I went down a long and winding road of flexibility techniques and to be honest all I discovered was a lot of things that are so fancy that they become ineffective because:
· People don’t feel smart enough to do them
· They’re BORING
· They’re just painful and don’t feel nice
Plus, most people who teach flexibility stuff have been flexible their whole lives; they don’t know what it feels like when your knees want to snap sideways every time you squat.
These factors make the likelihood of you spending the time you need to make any real lasting difference to your flexibility very low. Trust me – I’ve been there.
If you’re inflexible, one of the best starting points is to shift your mindset:
Start to think broadly and long-term; with familiarity, your body will adapt quickly.
Those two statements might sound like a contradiction but what I mean is... you not being flexible for 20/30/40/50+ years and then be able to make massive improvements in 6 months is quite remarkable. Your body will change rapidly relative to its past habits once you start being consistent.
Challenge Multiple Joints
The next piece of gold I want to give you is to start using regressions of multi-joint movements.
Many inflexible people are put off by these “advanced” looking movements, but when you accept your current level and pick a progression that works for you, not only are you going to hit multiple areas at the same time, but you’ll also make your way towards the final position which will help keep your joints strong and supple forever.
Lower Body: Cossack Squat
For the hips, knees and ankles we’re going to take you through the Cossack squat:
But if you need more reasons why to practice it… it also requires full range through the hips knee and ankle joints. For someone with no flexibility, it’s simply too hard… an absolute no-go for most people.
Unless...You go about it the right way, using the right progressions.
I had no hope of doing Cossacks when I first started my flexibility journey, but for some reason I was detrimentally stubborn about progressions: if it seemed too simple my ego would just tell me it was stupid and I wouldn’t do it… while still being annoyed that I couldn’t do the full movement. I see so many people the same. The way we think is it’s weird sometimes.
So, here is what you are going to do!
First, see where you’re at with your Cossack squat. Even if you get halfway down and fall on your butt, record it on your phone for your own reference!
· Then, find something sturdy like a doorframe that you can hold yourself up
· Stand with your feet wide either side of it (you’ll probably need to adjust your feet once you start squatting!)
· Using your support, hold yourself up as much as you need and squat down to one side – you should find that you can get a bit lower using this assistance!
· Try to keep the heel of your squatting foot down, but if that feels impossible you can lift it for now – just try to improve this over time! You can lift the toes of your extended leg if that’s more comfortable
· Spend 20-30s in the position if you can, then switch sides.
If you are really uncomfortable, the just hold it for however long you can, then take a break and try again. Over time, you want to help your body get used to the position, your aim is spending 5 minutes in a Cossack - swapping sides regularly so you do 2 and a half minutes on each leg.
There are no right or wrongs with this – just have a wiggle!! You’re holding most of your own weight with your arms, so you’re free to let your knee cave in or round your back as there shouldn’t be too much pressure going through your lower body (though, of course, be sensible… you’ll be able to tell the difference between discomfort and pain). Try rocking back and forth, let the heel come up, see what feels weird and what feels “nice”. Find out where you feel the most stretch and where you feel you could hold the position.
Depending on where you are at, if you felt like using assistance went well you can try one unassisted afterwards to see if you have made any improvement. If you’re way-off then, then use the assisted version for about a week (doing it DAILY) before you retry your Cossack.
And make sure to take another video when you retry! We’d love to see you before & afters by the way, if you wanted to post them in our Facebook group.
If you truly are consistent with it and don’t see any improvement, please try not to get frustrated or disheartened - you will make progress with it. For some it will be gradual improvements regularly until you feel great with the movement, for others (like myself) it will be:
.... oh! Look! I can do it!
Every time I worked on my own mobility it was like that. There are always a few choice words I use that I won’t repeat here, but ultimately, I’m always glad I put the work in.
Master the Cossack and your hips and knees will feel amazing! Plus, you will have built a tonne of joint strength that will carry over to everything else that you enjoy doing for fitness, it is one of the most worthwhile endeavours you will ever pursue.
Upper Body: Backbends
For the upper body, one of the best movements you can work towards is the backbend or bridge. This looks crazy impressive (or like something out of a horror movie…) and most people are put off straight away because of how advanced it looks.
Don’t worry, remember we are only interested in the progressions so that we get the benefits no matter what your level. Working towards bridge will help your shoulders rest better and give you better posture.
You can and should do something to open your upper back every day, especially considering how much time you spend slouching (yeah that’s right, I see you!).
One of the easiest ways to start is literally rotating your upper body and reaching back onto something like your bed or a wall. Try and feel the stretch in your upper back and not your lower back!
Another easy one you can try is putting your hands on a wall or sofa and dropping your chest through your arms. Try not to let you lower back arch! Keep your hips tucked slightly.
Now you have a challenging mobility position that you can hold and be able to build strength in!
This may take time and your first few attempts might be difficult – if it’s impossible then just keep with the regressions, while keeping in mind that you are still building thoracic mobility and you will be able to do the full thing one day with consistency.
Always think of your flexibility as progressive, and anyone that can do the more “advanced stuff” will tell you, if they don’t do it for a long time, they will lose it. It’s so important to put in the work on these positions at the start, then you can maintain it with little effort rather than trying to blindly do marathon stretch sessions every day of your life.
If you are struggling with your mobility in multiple areas then I highly recommend picking up The Simplistic Mobility Method, the concepts in it address all important areas of mobility and give you a solid structure to follow and improve on!