Simplistic Mobility Method Reviews

Some feedback from our SMM community!
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Christine Antoniou, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Christine Antoniou
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 Tom Morrison & Jenni, I really love you two.
I've been doing your Simplistic Mobility Method program for about 3 weeks now and I can see a massive difference in my posture & my lower back pain has eased off significantly! 

Before I started SMM I couldn't touch my toes or to be honest, get anywhere near them!! But I'm trying to be consistent with using your program nearly every day and even though you have no 
'traditional' hamstring stretches in SMM, I finish the routine and I can touch my toes!!!! Happy Days ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜

Jenni, you are amazing to watch. I love the way you are super flexible and yet have so much stability and then you go and smash stupid weights on your deadlifts. That's so inspirational to me, as I believed you could only have one and not the other, but you've proved that wrong. 

Thank you Guys xx 
Teresa Tilkens, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Teresa Tilkens
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 I am so proud of myself & I'm so happy to have found Tom & his crew! 

I started my Simplistic Mobility Method journey about a year and a half ago, I'm 56 years old & overweight. 

I had hip pain, back pain, knee issues, both knees had torn meniscus at different times, one had torn cartilage as well so I needed a scope. 

Then I seen an advert for SMM... 

Physical therapy wasnt helping & was just draining my money. I thought, what do I have to lose? I'm very happy to say I had everything to gain. I started very slow. I do things how I feel I can do them each time, sometimes hard version sometimes easy. 

I can roll over in bed without pain, I get up in the morning and feel easier to get out of bed. I can now walk a mile most times pain free!! I can ride in a car for 2 hours and get out without pain and stiffness. It's so awesome to feel my strength and muscles coming back. 

If you're just starting with this remember it's not a race it's a journey, your journey at your pace. 

Keep on keeping on and one day, like me, you'll be amazed at how far you've come. Thank you Tom and crew for bringing SMM into my life! 
Naomi Chapman, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Naomi Chapman
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 I don't blow smoke up anyone's a$$ but this is just brilliant. 

I've had so many linked issues; 
  •  Tendon issues on left foot & left calf
  •  Sciatica
  •  Plantar fasciitis

Now I do a combination of Tom Morrison's Simplistic Mobility Method and some strength work. It has been a game changer.
I don't think l'd be this mobile now if I hadn't started this a few months ago.
Susie Richmann, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Susie Richmann
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 A heartfelt Thank-you! 

I bought your program a year ago, but "never had the time" to commit. I had a nagging lower right back pain that the 90/90s absolutely crushed. I was instantly a believer, but still never got really started. To this day, when the pain threatens, I do the 90/90s and I'm good to go. 

Recently, I've had sciatic-like pain in my left leg, and it felt like all the muscles had been pulled. I wasn't sleeping well because of it. So I pulled out the regressions three days ago and decided to finally try it - INSTANT RELIEF! 

No pain for two days, and as it creeped back last night, I thought, "Well, duh, do the regressions again." - INSTANT RELIEF! 

My leg feels normal, no unwarranted muscle strain, no sciatic-like pain. I'm now aware of how unbalanced I am. My right side is clearly stronger than my left. My hips are wonky. 
As a former volleyball player and coach, I want to stay able and strong. I didn't realize where I was headed until I did those regressions! 

I'm two days in and I feel so much better and I have new purpose - fixing my body! 

(I'm a 51 year old dinosaur). But I wanted to add my voice to the MANY others in thanking you for making SMM fun, manageable and instantly beneficial. 
Jess Layton, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Jess Layton
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 Today I completed my first sprint triathlon!! 

Last year I had to cancel doing it, my shoulder hurt too much to swim crawl, I had constant glute tightness, a painful ankle and plantar fasciitis which made cycling and running too sore. 

I purchased The Simplistic Mobility Method a while ago and started intermittently and then started to do it more regularly along with Jenni's shoulder strength and Tom's ankle mobility youtube sessions. Until finally - ta da! 

I am overjoyed. 

I am well aware that this work is never finished. 

You have to do the programme regularly and go deeper with niggly bits but man is it worth it! 

On a total high! ๐ŸŽ‰
Chris Zimmerman, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Chris Zimmerman
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 I can't say enough good things about The Simplistic Mobility Method 

Chronic upper back pain, neck pain, with the random debilitating lumbar flare up. I bike and workout and if you're like me you've been office worker your whole life. 

I had a massive imbalance in my leg strength. My quads were massive & could push single speed bikes up steep hills, but sat there day 1 of this program doing 90/90 push backs feeling a (good) pain I'd never felt before. 

Kudos to Tom and his team! 
Richard Halford, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Richard Halford
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 I had an accident in 2018 that destroyed my hip sockets. I have a slightly limited range of motion in my right hip and have x-ray check ups once a year as they are keeping an eye on arthritis and will do hip replacements when needed. 

I was in a wheelchair for a while and lost a lot of muscle. I've done a lot of physio/yoga since it happened. 

I've been doing The Simplistic Mobility Method since 
December, lots of regression versions, trying to minimise a limp and get everything working as well as it can. 

I had my annual check up yesterday with a new consultant. 
He said that he looked at my x-rays before coming to get me from reception and was amazed at how well I got up from my chair and walked into his room. He asked how I was and we talked and he said; 

Can you stand on one leg? I did. 
Squat? Knees below hip crease? I did. 
Single leg squat, both sides? I did. 

He said I am way ahead of where he assumed I'd be based on the x-rays and was amazed and impressed. 

Thank you SMM. This programme is addressing my body holistically and I can see and feel the benefits monthly. I'm still doing regressed movements and for some may always have to, but I'm improving all the time, little by little. It's been amazing. Thank you. 
Martha Fairfield, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Martha Fairfield
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 Now.... that is what you call a purpose to your life! 

Awesome. And yes, thanks guys, because I have truly benefitted from the Simplistic Mobility Method. 

No more granny grunts getting off the sofa, and... I carried the hoover upstairs!!!! 

That might not feel like a win to many but my shoulders were so bad I couldn't do that before.... I actually ran back down stairs to tell hubby.... AND that was without the Madonna two steps on each tread and hanging onto the bannister!!!! 
Victoria Evans, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Victoria Evans
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A post for scoliosis sufferers: I've hesitated to claim this win because I still can't quite believe it's true, but I'm pretty sure now that SMM is helping me reverse my scoliosis!!! I'm 56 and first noticed the scoliosis in 2008 and I'd been told by several physios that fixing it was not a realistic hope.

I remember just after I started SMM, Tom mentioning he'd be keen to see if anybody had any success improving a scoliosis and so I decided to keep a photo record. I started in July 2022.

Progress hasn't been linear: some months there has been gradual improvement, sometimes progress has stalled or gone backwards, but I was gobsmacked by this latest image July 2024 - I was trying to engage my lats and consciously pull my spine into alignment and it worked!
There's still a bit of a curve left, but the sharp kinks are gone - my spine looks almost straight!!!!

What's more, I had a routine health check last week and I've regained 1 cm in my height. (of the 1.5 cm lost in the last decade or so, apparently due to 'aging'!.)

I want to say a huge thank you once again to this supportive group and the amazing Tom Morrison, Jenni Sanders and team. You have all played such a huge role in guiding and supporting my struggles so far. I still have a way to go to even up both sides of my back, as well as numerous other issues, but I'm now pretty confident that another year will get me there.

Full disclosure, as well as SMM I had a very good NHS physio input recently, and the last three months I've been working with a PT and the weight training has certainly helped me come on in leaps and bounds, but my p oint is that none of that would have been either possible or effective without the body awareness and foundational strength I have gained through SMM.
Callum Newlands, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Callum Newlands
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 After my lower back pain flared up last week (probably due to skipping too many Simplistic Mobility Method sessions and going a bit too hard at the gym for the first time in a while ๐Ÿ˜ณ) it took me a few days to even feel like I could walk around again, but with the advice in Tom's videos about breathing, keeping moving & playing with the edges of the pain I am now back in a (slightly) more comfortable position, and whilst not 100% again yet, I'm able to get back to (sensibly) training and my daily life. 

This is in stark contrast to the flare up before (March this year) which took me about 2.5 months to feel a bit better, which I think is testament to the advice and support shared in this community in helping my understanding of and confidence with my pain. 

I was due to do a re-test last week but was a bit apprehensive,, and whilst I was definitely worse in some areas than I have been for many months, in others I had improved which I wasn't really expecting 

This week I finally managed to squat past parallel whilst looking forwards & not resemble a table top too much ๐Ÿ˜…
I wanted to say thank you to the SMM team & community for everything. 

This is your reminder that even when things might seem like it's the end of the world and everything has reset back to square one, if you look at things in the right way you'll always be able to find some progress or something to be proud of yourself for ๐Ÿ˜Š
Lesley Graham, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Lesley Graham
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 I had 2 tendons surgically re-attached in my right shoulder in 2017, it healed beautifully.
Last summer I tweaked it (doing too much anterior work). The physio basically said "you're screwed & too old, take this band, this handout of 80s rehab movements and have a nice day". 

Then, I found Tom Morrison & The Simplistic Mobility Method. 

F*cking CURED my shoulder. 

I am a 63-year old former aerobics instructor, & I think that SMM rocks! 
Marilyn Le Breton, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Marilyn Le Breton
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 Thanks for all the sense you talked into me earlier this year, when I was reeling with shock. My specialist told me that based of my lumber & sacroiliac joints MRI results, I would need a wheelchair shortly. 

I am an autistic woman, full time carer to 2 adult disabled sons, who is falling apart & needs to keep going forever to care for them. 

I do The Simplistic Mobility Method throughout the day, in between caring for both my lads. Thanks for all the tips on using the stairs & the kitchen work surfaces, it really helped. I WILL conqueror push-ups & planks. 

I thought you might be interested to know that I now have a training partner - my 29 year old son, Luke, (Down Syndrome & mainly a wheelchair user). 

He joins me in the kitchen while I'm cooking his breakfast and does assisted squats and push-ups, using the kitchen counters. I was blown away that he has been watching & is now copying me. 

He's really proud that he is looking after himself. I'm really proud of him too. 

Your influence is stretching far and wide - even to those who haven't watched a video. 
Jan Truchot, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Jan Truchot
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There's no badge or fireworks for it, but I am still celebrating my 70th SMM today! 

This is the longest I've ever stuck with any exercise program and I have definitely made progress in everything. In fact today I had touch down on both elbows and it felt easy!!! 

And someone commented on a post I made in January about struggling with thoracic bridge presses, and today I did 10 on each side on the second stair.

Thank you, Tom Morrison, Jenni Sanders and everyone else for ALL you do and for giving me the tools and confidence to fix myself!
Krisztina Horvaฬth, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Krisztina Horvaฬth
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Happy post - another activity improved by SMM

I have two flights today, both delayed with extra sitting and waiting on the planes. This used to be a nightmare with my lower back hurting, occasionally to the point of a sciatica flare-up and inability to walk (in my thirties! ๐Ÿ˜). 

This time my lower back is totally fine, shows no sign of discomfort, and the usual movements like taking my zipped hoodie on/off in such a tight space or reaching my under seat bag are just super easy thanks to my improved back mobility. I am so happy!!! SMM rocks ๐Ÿ‘Š

Anyone else with such simple but awesome gains? ๐Ÿคฉ
Marie Mulley, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Marie Mulley
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"You need to prepare yourself for the fact you will likely be in a wheelchair by age 50" said the not so helpful physio 8 years ago.
(A year of strong opiates, whilst waiting for a hip replacement for a collapsed femoral head resulted in a cascade of other injuries as I couldn't exercise and had no strength to support my hyper mobile joints. I couldn't even get down to the floor or walk more than 15 mins)

Well I turned 50 yesterday, after a year of SMM and some amazing gains, (including doing 32 scuba dives in a week), this time last year my goal was to be able to post I was able to do a full SMM with no regressions on my birthday.

Unfortunately an incredibly difficult year including, an ankle op for a detached ligament, an infected hip requiring 2 hip replacements late last year, along with ankle surgery for a neuroma 2 weeks ago, severely impacted my ability to achieve that goal.

However I have maintained a routine of daily mobility of some sort throughout it all and, my recovery is going well. I just did a 10 rep SMM with some regressions. Which is still far from needing that wheelchair!

Tom Morrison Jenni Sanders, JP, and this community provide so much amazing support. You all really helped me get through this last year! So thank you!

The best thing I get from SMM is hope from all the amazing wins and stories posted, sharing your struggles and witnessing the support provided by everyone. That positive attitude to actively manage set backs and accept them as the norm.

I am determined I will achieve a side plank march and do a full lungeathon at some point!

For those new to SMM with consistency you will be amazed at what you can achieve!
Robina Bodle, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Robina Bodle
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Could it really be this simple? As a very active 74 yr old, I am still running, cycling,skiing, at a high competitive level. I go to the gym, routine exercises/yoga/pilates every day. When I started developing tightness in my lower back/hip/upper thigh plus tightness on the front lower knee, it felt as if my whole body was twisted.

After spending time at the chiropractor, physio,acupuncture etc etc I decided I needed to change what I was doing and try something new! I had followed Tom Morrison for a while and decided I had nothing to lose from giving it a go.

In checking out the exercises it didn't look too wrong was I! Some of them I was already doing so they were ok, but the others were an eye opener and showed up weakness on one side of my body. During the first 10 days I felt like a cork trying to untwist myself ๐Ÿ˜Ž

I know longer have that twisted feeling, no pain in my back or hips and can finally doing a standard plank both sides (no marching yet).

Very impressive programme ๐Ÿ‘
Genevieve Eisan, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Genevieve Eisan
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I just wanted to say Thank you to Tom for quite literally saving my life. My back & hip pain was so intense that I wasn't living. It felt like I was just waiting to die. I just wanted the pain to go away. 

I turned 50 last year and couldn't fathom going through another 10, 20 or 30+ years like this. 

The only thing that alleviated the pain was sitting which of course just exacerbated the underlying issues. I have every gadget that was ever made for back pain. From foam rollers & myofascial release tools to massage guns & inversion tables. I even worked for a Chiropractor for 9 years and had adjustments 4-5 days a week. You name it, I've tried it but nothing worked. It just kept getting progressively worse.
I used to be a personal trainer, triathlete & all around outdoorsy person. Over the last 10 years after injuries & the unrelenting pain I put on over 70 pounds, I can't even walk into work without wanting to curl into a ball in pain. 

I found the Simplistic Mobility Method on TikTok. After one session... Just ONE! The pain & tightness is going! I woke up the next day & cried because I realised I slept without waking up in pain. I know it's early and I still have a long way to go. 
But, for the first time in over a decade I have hope again. 
Real hope. 

There will never be enough words to say how grateful I am. 

Thank you Tom from the depths of my soul for helping me reclaim my life again. 
Helen Godbold-Eade, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Helen Godbold-Eade
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For anyone who's bought SMM and can't quite get started...DO IT! TODAY!!!
I started SMM in Nov 2023. I haven't been completely consistent, but consistent enough to see massive improvements in my strength, flexibility and mobility.

One of the reasons I started SMM was to address my increasing lack of strength, flexibility & mobility, which had crept up on me over the last few years. I'm 60 now, and was horrified that I was allowing myself to become weak and feeble ๐Ÿ˜ I love hiking, and walking/litter picking, which oddly enough, requires one to be reasonably flong & sexible.
A week ago, I joined a community litter pick, loving the fact that I could easily do lunges to reach evasive litter, and walk for miles without any discomfort. However...l suddenly slipped on some stone steps (covered with algae which I failed to spot!), fell backwards and hit my head, back and hips on the stone. Huge pain! Right hip was agony, with nerve pain shooting into my buttock muscles. For 4 or 5 days, I could hardly walk. Lying down was painful, but so was standing, and sitting ๐Ÿคฃ

BUT...thanks to a year of SMM, my body was stronger than I realised. I applied ice, and I continued to move. Tiny hip circles, tiny stretches, tiny mobility moves. After a few days, I found I could get get down into a lunge, to pick stuff up, AND using my newly strengthened leg muscles, I could get myself back up without triggering the nerve pain. Using my newly strengthened shoulders & more mobile thoracic area, I could sit myself up without triggering the nerve pain in my lower back. 7 days after my fall, my pain's reduced from a 9 to a 2. I just kept moving, gently. If I hadn't started SMM when I did, that fall would have done a lot more damage, AND my recovery would have been a lot slower. Even my neck was stronger from doing the Yes/No's, and that saved my head/neck from serious damage.
I'm not back to doing SMM proper yet, but I'm dropping in lots of mobility snacks through the day, to keep my body moving.

So if anyone's thinking, I'll start SMM tomorrow...Do It Now! It could save you from serious injury in the future. Believe me, you don't know when or how something might happen!!!
Huge thanks to Mand Ragora for supporting, encouraging and helping me through this โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ And so much gratitude to Tom, Jenni, JP and the team for making fitness so accessible and achievable  ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฅฐ
Talfan Le-Maitre, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Talfan Le-Maitre
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Just wanted to say hi to all the inspiring, friendly and helpful people on the group ๐Ÿ‘‹ and a massive thank you to Tom, Jenni, JP and everyone behind the scenes involved in the creation and roll out of "THE METHOD."

Just over a year ago I hurt my back in the gym and started getting radical (electric shock like) shooting pains up and down the right side of my body from my neck to my right foot, I was too afraid to exercise, play with my kids or even stand/walk for prolonged amounts of time.

I spent 6 months seeing physio, chiro, osteopath, doctors etc, I saw a spinal specialist and had an MRI scan which thankfully revealed nothing but a bit of curvature of the lumbar spine but I was still experiencing terrible pain. After seeing all these medical professionals I was made aware of how my back was just the victim of weaknesses and imbalances elsewhere in my body. I was going round in circles of despair not really getting any better and being stuck in a vicious cycle of pain and fear of movement so I decided to try SMM, I spent all of Jan and Feb doing just regressions and gradually started to progress to the full versions of the exercises in March.

The progress I have made has been phenomenal from all my original test scores being mainly 1's up to a few 5's I am now more like 5's and 8's on some things:
sat up unassisted in a 90/90 on both sides (Still really tight on 1 side tho)
Almost got elbows to the floor in DLR, Can do 10 Side plank marches both sides, am managing to do thoracic Bridge press, unassisted split squats and hip hikes (not the prettiest)
And today I just did 10 SLD on both sides with only a couple of toe taps on my right side which is a MASSIVE win for me as couldn't even engage my hamstrings on my right side without holding onto the back of my sofa for dear life in the beginning.

Best of all though I went for my first run in a over a year last week, have started calisthenics again and am back kicking footballs, jumping on trampolines and having pillow fights with my kids.

I am totally amazed at how SMM is not only helping me to regain my active lifestyle back but also restoring emotional and mental balance โค๏ธ
Sarah Louise Tinsley, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Sarah Louise Tinsley
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Hello, so I've actually been following Tom's Youtube videos for > 18 months. Thought I'd best thank him by committing to purchasing โ˜บ๏ธ

I was diagnosed with L4/5 disc herniation back in 2022 after spending 6-8 years with back pain that gradually got worse until there were days I could hardly walk. I kept exercising the same way thinking it was just the way I was.
Lined up a spinal surgeon appointment & told by the MSK specialist 'you just got to live the best life you can' (great help).

Anyway, I discovered Tom & SMM & I stand here today pretty much 99% pain free (yep, get those odd twinges) & the strongest & most flexible I've been in my 43 years! I'm in the best shape of my life.

SMM has literally changed my life & my husband & anyone who knows me is sick of hearing me say Tom Morrison will have a fix for that' when they complain about a niggle ๐Ÿคฃ

Thank you to Tom & the team. I'm not sure it's possible to get across just how much difference finding you that day on the internet has made to my life ๐Ÿ˜Š

And now to keep progressing!

(Oh and I didn't need that spinal surgery after all)
Mandii Walder, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Mandii Walder
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Big (unexpected) win today, managed to reach something on the top shelf in the supermarket with my "worst" shoulder. No bending of lower back, tilting to side, standing on tiptoes, pain or spasms or just using my other arm!

Unbelievably this is only day 24 of SMM for me, doing the routine every other day, and day 17 of Jenni's 26 minute shoulder routine on the other days.

Having been told by numerous medical professionals that my shoulder will not get better and I'll have very limited mobility for the rest of my life, I can't express how grateful I am.
Thank you to Tom, Jenni and JP, and this wonderful group! ๐Ÿ˜
Louise Burnham, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Louise Burnham
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My stiffness caused by Parkinson's dramatically reduced doing SMM.
I'm in my 50s was previously very fit and the stiffness had restricted my flexibility.

But stretching on its own was causing more problems.
The strength part of this programme has helped with boxing, ballet and got me back to running.

It also helps improve balance with one leg balances.
The best thing though has been increasing my range of movement in the joints.

Really recommend this programme with the regressions and wanted to say that it is suitable for people with chronic medical conditions (*)

(*) I am not a doctor, do check with your GP
Gary Steele, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Gary Steele
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I was told about SMM after struggling with movement at a crossfit class. 

I was unable to run more than 1/2 mile without having so much pain in my lower back I could not press the clutch in the car. 

I paid to see so many people, so SMM for ยฃ69 I thought ๐Ÿค” may as well. After 1month of SMM I felt like a new person.

After 6 month I signed for for a 1/2 marathon and did it with in 3hrs.
Frances Barlow, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Frances Barlow
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I bought this after living with 5 years of back pain! I could exercise but the pain was constant and soul destroying at times!

I was about middle in all my tests but there is a definite weakness on the pain side! 

I've been doing these 3 times a week for 4 weeks now. The pain is not constant anymore it comes and goes! My legs feel stronger, I feel like I can make my muscles do what I want them to do rather than seeing what happens! 

I honestly never thought it would make that much of a difference but was only the price for a couple of physio sessions so I thought I would give it a go! I'm definitely a convert! 

Once I feel like I'm getting less improvement I'm going to buy the stability builder and hopefully see even more improvements.
Emily Hare, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Emily Hare
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Since starting SMM in January we are coming to the fourth month of 3 times a week! It's amazing! BUT... two weeks ago we stayed in a holiday house with the worst bed ever and both of us ended up with dodgy necks (which I could feel reverberated through my body, my left hip is still funny after it!). It definitely was felt during the exercises.

HOWEVER, because we have been continuing with
SMM and had that as a foundation, we have recovered much faster than would have happened previously. I wish strange beds weren't such a challenge as you get older. I remember being able to sleep on floors in my 20's, no chance of that now!
(I'm 47).

So anyway, another thank you to Tom and Jenni!
Bryan Willson, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Bryan Willson
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There's too much good stuff about Tom Morrison and SMM to leave in a review here so I'll just post a few of the many benefits!

If you are full of general aches and pains that don't seem to go away and you think you've tried everything then think again!! Tom Morrison's Simplistic Mobility Method (SMM) is the REAL deal. It gives you all the tools you need to get your body back to where it should be to cope with everyday mobility and strength challenges.

SMM is 'no nonsense' mobility method that targets over all body awareness and focuses on getting all muscle groups to work in harmony, as they should. Over time, we all develop 'imbalances' through our daily work and practices and no matter what the imbalances are, trust me when I say, there is no hiding from them with SMM!! matter how strong and fit you think you are!!, SMM will highlight them.

You will not find a more professionally put together product anywhere. Complete with videos and printed material. The SMM Facebook support group is excellent however the support and input from Tom and Jenni is second to none.

To sum up, I'm posting this review to mark my 50th SMM session. It's been a life saver for me and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to do something about improving their day to day function and take control of their mobility and physical functionality.
My 50th session and this is from someone who never sticks at anything like thisโ€ฆever!! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช
Barbara Ann, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Barbara Ann
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I cannot thank you enough Tom Morrison!! ๐Ÿฅฐ The level of tension that I have released from my body has been astounding and quite surprising!! I honestly feel like I lost 50lbs!! 

When you advised to breathe and release the muscle more through the stretching discomfort it was a game changer!! Not fun, but the payoff is tremendous!! I also when stretching try not to think "this is gonna hurt" and it moves more freely with little to no pain now! 

I am walking better and standing straighter too!! ๐ŸŽ‰ I am only about 3 weeks into this and have a long way to go! 

Thank you so much!! ๐Ÿ˜Š I have all the dx's as most everyone else, with lumbar and cervical problems and tried all the things and still became immobilised!! I am so hopeful now!! ๐Ÿคฉ
Caitriona Fortes, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

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Yesterday was my 1st day absolutely pain free in traps ,shoulder and neck.

This is after months of neck pain which at one point I could not even look down or do simple everyday things and years of tense tight and very painful traps .

Best thing I've ever done was to sign up to this.
Martin Thomas, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Martin Thomas
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I have been working away at SMM for about a year now and it has been hugely beneficial. 

I do taekwondo and compete. 

Since picking up SMM and Splits and Hips, I am able to kick higher etc (as maybe expected) but also stretch better in the ring just before competition starts using the improved body awareness and knowledge of what might help.

Also, I feel better next day - not like I got run over by a train.
Leonie Fisher, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Leonie Fisher
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Sharing my progress after 33 full SMM sessions
- I am absolutely thrilled at my progress to be honest... When I started I couldn't do side plank marches or the thoracic bridges at all, I struggled with getting the elbow to the floor the deep lunge rotations and single leg bridges were super wobbly too and well ... my balance was pretty poor in all regards and my knees super crunchy in all the forms of the squats.

Fast forward to 14 weeks later and now I am doing them all with so much improvement ... especially in my crunchy knees ๐Ÿ™Œ 
No more shoulder or elbow pain either to the point where I am almost able to do a full push up now ๐Ÿ’ช 
My glutes feel sooo much stronger and my hips so much more stable and flexible, and of course my balance has vastly improved too. I am really really happy ๐Ÿ˜
Bryan Willson, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Bryan Willson
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If you're sitting on the fence about getting SMM then just DO IT! It's worth 10 times what it costs and more. I wouldn't be without it.

Tom Morrison has created this system from experience and a super in depth knowledge like I've never known before. It's a gift to anyone who is serious about getting their life back! 

Lots of free material to complement SMM if needed and fantastic support from Tom and Jenni.
Fiona Rose, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Fiona Rose
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I was also diagnosed after MRI with nerve impingement L4 L5, 2 bulging discs and a scoliosis all of which created horrific hip and groin pain ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ sitting to standing was horrific and I could hardly walk anywhere. 

On top of all that almost 17 months ago I fell from a height - tri malleolar fracture with dislocation on left ankle and severely torn ligaments in right ankle.
After surgery and for over a year I truly thought that's it... At 66 it can only be down hill from here. 

Anyway finally managed to kick myself and start SMM and with help from a great PT I am now really progressing with SMM.

I can pretty much walk as before (totalled 386 km in Feb with 0 pain) hip and back pain gone and ankle stable and strengthening every day. Thank you ๐Ÿ™ Tom Morrison
Angela Natalie, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Angela Natalie
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Session 3 and feeling stronger already ๐Ÿ’ช

Using a bench for the Bridges and it's really helped!
๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ฌ will progress to the floor eventually! ๐Ÿ˜

All movements have improved and my pain is lesser and lesser, also have more confidence my back!

At 37 (i think), previously very fit and considering surgery whilst in a pretty dark place I feel super super thankful to AimieJo Shutt for introducing me to this ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜˜
Cherise Powell, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Cherise Powell
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Good morning everyone ๐Ÿ˜Š

First full week last week of smm and already feeling the benefits to my balance on my left leg was absolutely shocking Tbh ๐Ÿคฃ I've committed to four time's a week so I can Feel more benefits by doing it regularly plus learn the moves practice practice practice top to toe mornings and evenings too ๐Ÿ˜œ

Can I just say Huge thank you to Tom and Jenny and the team.
3 week's ago I was ready to quit my career and everything I love as I was in that much pain I couldn't function, just even walking was a mission after a hip disclocation 8 months ago.

Now I have hope that I can get better ๐Ÿ™‚
Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š so much
Stephanie Dibert, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Stephanie Dibert
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It already has! I had hip pain and back pain. SMM has eliminated my pain to the point I can take my work outs to the next level! 

At age 64, I thought I'd be one of those people who would have to limit mobility. But, the more I do, the better I get. 

Please don't give up! 

Don't stop trying.
Andrew Alan Mann, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Andrew Alan Mann
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Hi everyone. I'm new to SMM and have just done my 1st day tests. Wow what an eye opener. I have rounded forward shoulders, anterior pelvic tilt and bad thoracic kyphosis (all from sitting too much slouching basically) which I really hope to fix or at least improve.

I started CrossFit about a year ago and really struggle with any overhead movements because of lack of thoracic extension and jacked up my left shoulder/elbow a few times. So no surprise the zenith rotations were very challenging for me.

My left side is way worse than right. But I managed to do the thoracic bridges reasonably ok. Was deffo weak and shaky more on left side though. Side plank marches were insanely hard lol. Also I'm extremely tight in the couch stretch. I can barely get my torso upright with that tail tuck and glute activation because of my excessive lumber curve I struggle with hollow hold also but I'm working on that now everyday).

Seen some big improvements in the retest straight away in everything. Deep lunge improved by 2 or 3 inches. Overhead reach way better. Couch stretch much easier. Side plank leg lift, got 10 seconds each side, compared to O sec before. So overall really excited to do this 5/6 days a week and hopefully see some major improvements. Thanks ๐Ÿ˜
Jake Baxter, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Jake Baxter
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I wanted to share my recent win. 

I suffered a lot of knee issues during my JiuJitsu journey and after a scan told me my knee is basically degenerating I thought F*** it all. 

Been using Mobility plan for around a year (on and off) and my knee strength has been significantly better. I've been running consistently, jumping, squatting etc. 

And this weekend just gone, I completed my first solo Hyrox Race which I never thought I'd have been able to. 

But here we are. Very grateful ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ
Gwen Cleeton Smith, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Gwen Cleeton Smith
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 I want to share how much SMM and this group have helped me.
I'm 67 and very active but have been having left knee pain with swelling and right lower back pain for a while. Have seen PTs for both problems and get regular massage to no avail. 

Doing SMM 2x a week has resolved both issues and I am SO much more flexible than I have ever been (even in childhood). I am able to do all SMM exercises now without regressions! 
Graham Cowley, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Graham Cowley
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 I would recommend SMM to ANYBODY!!  
Beginner to experienced and it is very scaleable. 

I am now 61, coming from a team sports background, then endurance sports ever since. 400hurdles/800m, fell running, mountain biking, swimming, multi-day orienteering events etc. 

Even with my background as a PE teacher, sports coach and fitness trainer, and still actively trying to keep strong and flexi, SMM has made a radical difference. 

Brilliant. Thank you. 

So pleased that I bought SMM. 
Brad Koltak, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Brad Koltak
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 After starting SMM I changed my workout regimen to a more hypertrophy focused program with much less ballistic work. I have now gone 12 months without tweaking my low back or left hip! 

Plus my left thigh which was noticeably smaller than the right is now a smidge larger. Or & the glute bridges have really turned my glutes back on, so I no longer suffer from gluteal amnesia.
This program really works. 
Anders Anderson, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Anders Anderson
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 I think SMM qualifies as a flamethrower in the knife fight of physiotherapy. 

I have been to osteopaths, chiropractic doctors, physios, manual therapists all of them poking and prodding me, telling me to come in weekly, telling me to stop training so much. 

Finally what they couldn't even alleviate was FIXED FOR GOOD by SMM and the combo of side stretches, zeniths, bridges and "life changers". 

I still have a way to go but I can train consistently again without pain! 
SMM is not just mobility work, it is the essential gym-rats repair kit that everyone who touches a barbell should know and master. 
Sue Atkins-Smith, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Sue Atkins-Smith
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I had a hip replacement 12 weeks ago and bought this program to work on correcting the imbalances. 

I started just over a week ago and I'm finding them less painful and easier to do already!
Rachel Blackmer, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Rachel Blackmer
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I can't believe I can sit cross legged again! 

2 months ago, before starting SMM training, my hips were way too tight to do this for even a few seconds. 

Now I can do it for much longer and easily!
Jodi Pollack Benaroch, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Jodi Pollack Benaroch
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Small but significant win today! I was out walking with my husband and sister, when my left foot missed the sidewalk and plunged straight downward into a narrow and deep hole. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ 

I gasped and stumbled momentarily. They rushed over and asked if I was okay.

My foot and ankle were absolutely fine. Not just "walk it off for a minute" fine, but NO PAIN AT ALL fine!

None! I couldn't believe it. I threw my arms out and yelled "Thanks Tom!"
Brooke Hannah, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Brooke Hannah
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A notable day due to consistent SMM, and very grateful โค๏ธ

Found SMM in May 2023 after multiple disc injury in Dec 2022. Also have OA in both knees for years.

One week shy of no skate skiing for a year, I skied for 5 consecutive days between Christmas and New Year, AND without knee braces. I have needed braces for at least the past 6 years!
Had a crash on my bike Jan 1, and injured a knee again but kept with SMM this past week.
Today I had the BEST skate ski I have had in YEARS. And no braces. I felt strong and no pain in knees or back. I could cry with happiness!

This program is so effective and transformative, when you commit. Thank you Tom Morrison and team!
Ben Riches, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Ben Riches
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 SMM is crazy. 
7 weeks in and... 
  1.  Knee pain gone (this is actually why I started SMM)
  2.  Always walked with my feet pointing at 10 past 2, now they both point to 12. Didn't even know this was a problem but clearly I had hip issues.
  3. My gait has changed, I feel like I'm leaning back whilst walking, with more weight going through heel and mid foot, which is good as I've been plagued with ball of foot pain in the past. (2nd toe capsulitis)
  4.  Tennis elbow gone.

Thank you Tom, Jenni and JP
Bryan Embry, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Bryan Embry
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This program is profound in its effectiveness. The logic and science behind it is meticulously thought out. I have been dealing with pain from a herniated disc from over 20 years ago. About six months ago, I re-injured my back leaving me with inflammation and soreness every day. 

I stumbled upon Tom's exercises and tried a few of them because Yoga was too difficult for me. I noticed improvements in my pain level very soon afterward. I got really encouraged so I just started the SMM program. The other day, I got to the point in the program where I was doing the Zenith Rotations and noticed it stretched my back in a way it was never stretched before. My pain level has now decreased even more.

 I am very excited about my results so far and I am in this for the long haul. I am really looking forward to less and less pain and getting back to my old self. Way to go Tom and team for helping us!
Gemma Gardner, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Gemma Gardner
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Really blinking loving SMM .. the progress I've seen in the last two months has blown me away!
This morning I actually moved my legs in side plank to a point it could *almost* be described as a march (couldn't even hold a side plank in October) and I found myself crouching down today without even noticing how I got there ๐Ÿ˜‚.

Can't say enough good things so I'm going to buy stability builder later this evening. I think I might be becoming obsessed.. are you sure this isn't a cult...?
(Oooh.. and I walk downstairs first thing in the morning without pain and having to hold the bannister!!)
Julie Pech, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Julie Pech
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Now able to do really good squats which I thought I'd never be able to do again( Baker cysts back of both knees and weak, creaky knees). I'm sure I'll get a bit lower yet - training for the squat toilets in Asia ๐Ÿ˜† 

And shoulders!!! Have worked up to a few 5kg repeats then revert to 2.5 kg for the rest - but after smashing up both shoulders 18 months ago I am ecstatic! 

Thank you Tom & Jenny! The encouragement as much as the exercises!
Getting my quality of life back๐Ÿ™‚

Keep it up everyone โค๏ธ
Bryan Bayfield, Simplistic mobility method (SMM) review

Bryan Bayfield
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Holy mobility batman!

Yes Robin, thanks to the teachings of Tom Morrison, I was able to cover five km without kt tape or athletic supports. Although defusing the bomb was something of a letdown. And transporting it on the London underground did get me some strange looks.

But yes, this is the face of progress

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