Ultimate Core

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About Ultimate Core

Ultimate Core is an education series which covers complete core strength, and how to easily fit it into your training.

Have you ever wondered if you’re doing the right core exercises?

Or maybe you're doing so much… but not seeing any improvements in your core strength or back pain?

The amount of information out there and all the millions of core exercises you “should” be doing can be exhausting!

That’s why we developed Ultimate Core.

We’ve broken down core training into 4 foundational principles, so you KNOW you’re not leaving any gaps in your training - and have more confidence in your overall strength!

One-Time Purchase,
Lifetime Access

No ongoing subscription, you get exactly what you need right now in the most efficient way possible!

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Ultimate Core covers the 4 Types of Core Strength:

  • Isometric: Bracing, creating tension, and making yourself FEEL stronger
  • Rotational: Every way the spine moves - and how not to be scared of movement
  • Anti-Rotational: Being able to resist movement and avoid imbalances (most commonly missed!)
  • Reactive: Coordination, proprioception, balance & body intelligence - build a confident body!

What You Get With Ultimate Core

Ultimate Core devices
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Video series breaking down each type of core strength in a clear, easy to follow way

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A PDF cheat sheet with exercises for each type of core strength

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'Workout Builders' to help you put exercises together for the most efficient & effective session!

Ultimate Core devices

Frequently Asked Questions

No, Ultimate Core is a one-time purchase, and you get lifetime access (with lifetime updates too!)

After you buy, you’ll receive an email with your login details and a link to sign into your new dashboard!

If you don’t receive an email, make sure to check your spam/junk folder.

If it’s not there either, simply go to https://tommorrison.uk/login and click “Forgot Your Password” to create a new password.

Once you’re signed in, you will see Ultimate Core on your dashboard, and from there you can click into it and easily navigate through all the videos & PDFs.

Yes! Ultimate core will teach you complete strength to support your spine.

Lower back pain can be caused by missing some basic foundational principles, so Ultimate Core gives you the right way to approach it, the best frame of mind and the best structure for having a strong core.

Included is a specific bonus Lower Back video that covers some of the techniques and myths around back pain. Plus, what to do if you have recurring flare ups and even if you have disc injuries that haven’t required surgery (like myself).

You can use Ultimate Core in two ways:

1. Use the principles we teach you to improve the core training you’re already doing

2. Use the workout builders to create complete core workouts that can take 4 minutes or less to tag on to your training sessions or as standalone core sessions!

The key is getting you to hit all the right things, the right way, more frequently!

Most of Ultimate Core teaches you how to use your bodyweight and create tension better.

You’ll also need a light resistance band or TheraBand (which everyone should have anyway, they’re great!) and something you can use as a weight, like a dumbbell or even a water bottle!


It’s great to have routines you can do at home, and we’re all about helping you remove obstacles! The more you practice these things at home, the better your training will be and the things you like to do for fun won’t be hindered!

Ultimate Core is not about aesthetics. It teaches deep core work to protect your spine alongside how to brace and move properly so that you’re supporting your training in the best way possible.

A better functioning body means fewer injuries, which leads to consistency, which improves any health and fitness goals you have! Ultimate Core is a great investment to reframe your mind to what core training is.

Reviews for Ultimate Core

Erin Magers, Ultimate Core (SMM) review

Erin Magers
Ultimate Core review starUltimate Core review starUltimate Core review starUltimate Core review starUltimate Core review star

Love Ultimate Core! 

Although the premise seems 'simple', it was literally the key that I'd been missing for THREE YEARS after herniated discs. I was getting sciatica every day, without fail for three years... and even though I was running 50k and I looked in shape, my back was still giving me problems. 

3 weeks into integrating the ideas from UC into my training program, I'm sciatica free 98% of the time! Simple simple changes to make, but yet had never run across these ideas in any other YouTube or paid programming before Tom Morrison! 

His content (and JP and Jenni) have really changed my life. I bought some of his other programs as well, just because I'm now a superfan 🤣 and I wanted to find ways to support their work!


David Warren, Ultimate Core (SMM) review

David Warren
Ultimate Core review starUltimate Core review starUltimate Core review starUltimate Core review starUltimate Core review star

I have the Ultimate Core. I like how clear it is and that there are examples.


Victoria Evans, Ultimate Core (SMM) review

Victoria Evans
Ultimate Core review starUltimate Core review starUltimate Core review starUltimate Core review starUltimate Core review star

I just bought it and have watched the videos, I think it's spot on to call it an education programme because I feel I've got a much better understanding now of what the various core exercises are for and that's going to be really useful to me in the future. 

So I feel it was worth buying.


Roberto Oliveira, Ultimate Core (SMM) review

Roberto Oliveira
Ultimate Core review starUltimate Core review starUltimate Core review starUltimate Core review starUltimate Core review star

Ultimate Core was a bit of a revelation to me when I first went through it. 

I don't go back to it very often, but I found it genuinely helpful in an intellectual way, if you know what I mean. 


Kim Broadbent, Ultimate Core (SMM) review

Kim Broadbent
Ultimate Core review starUltimate Core review starUltimate Core review starUltimate Core review starUltimate Core review star

I have Ultimate Core. I like how it explains the principles and I like that I can choose from the categories of exercises. 


Johnny Roundtree, Ultimate Core (SMM) review

Johnny Roundtree
Ultimate Core review starUltimate Core review starUltimate Core review starUltimate Core review starUltimate Core review star

If you have a core, you can strengthen it . And Ultimate Core will teach you some of the different ways you can. 

Being under load in while bracing in squats, deadlifts, overhead press, farmers walks, barbell row, chin ups, pulls ups etc. will take all the things he teaches even further !

I watched the main videos. Now about half way through the seminar.

I think it's super great! I want to get everything you guys put out in time! It's all


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